Arshia Sattar is a translator, writer and teacher. Her translations from Sanskrit of ‘Tales from the Kathasaritsagara‘ (1993) and Valmiki’s Ramayana (1996) are both published by Penguin Books. More recently, Penguin also published her essays on the Valmiki Ramayana, ‘Lost Loves: Exploring Rama’s Anguish’ (2011) which was short-listed for the Crossword Vodafone Non-Fiction Award. She has also written three books for children, ‘Kishkindha Tails,’ ‘Pampa Sutra’ and “Adventures with Hanuman.’ She is currently translating Valmiki’s Uttara Kanda. Arshia teaches Indian literature at various institutions in India and abroad and has served on several literary award juries. She has been writing about and reviewing books for the last 25 years in various Indian publications. Along with DW Gibson, Arshia founded the Sangam House International Residency Program, located outside Bangalore, India, in 2008. Sangam House has since hosted nearly one hundred writers from across India and from all over the world.